#BookRecommendationTuesday: Angels & Demons, a Bible Commentary for and from Latin America, and Unsettling Truths

#BookRecommendationTuesday: Angels & Demons, a Bible Commentary for and from Latin America, and Unsettling Truths

Against the Darkness: The Doctrine of Angels, Satan, and Demons, by Graham A. Cole If you ask me, "Who is in your top 3 of theology writers?", Graham A. Cole is a name you will hear. One of my biggest frustrations with many contemporary theologians is the dryness and coldness of their writing. Often, when [...]

A Reading List on Latino/a/x and Latin American Theologies

A Reading List on Latino/a/x and Latin American Theologies

Theology is not the possession of a few intellectuals, but the reflection and work of the community as a whole. ¹ -Luis G. Pedraja Four years ago, I prepared and shared a reading list on Latino/a/x and Latin American theologies. In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, I have decided to update it to continue celebrating the [...]

18 Native American Voices to Learn From

18 Native American Voices to Learn From

Editorial Note: This post was first updated on November 4th, 2019, and was updated a second time on October 18, 2022. “We must genuinely appreciate all cultures as being capable of reflecting biblical faith. We must move away from “American Christian mythology,” which undergirds colonization and its resulting paternalism in Indigenous communities. We must embrace [...]

12 Books on US Latino/a Church History

12 Books on US Latino/a Church History

The histories of the Latin American and the US Latino/a church are complex. We are the Brown Church, but we are not monolithic. Our histories no son la misma cosa - are not the same thing. They are complex and messy. They share differences, continuities, and discontinuities; and it is crucial for seminaries to acknowledge that. Here [...]

15 Books on Latin American Church History

15 Books on Latin American Church History

"When you come to Puerto Rico remember... that long before the Pilgrims knelt to thank God for their safe arrival, we were praying in churches almost a century old..." -Extract from a publicity pamphlet given to visitors Representation matters. However, too often, when the histories of people of color finally get a chance to be [...]

Y tú, ¿ya tienes tu lista de lecturas para el verano?

Y tú, ¿ya tienes tu lista de lecturas para el verano?

Hablemos de que estoy en crisis mientras trato de seleccionar los libros que he de leer durante este verano. Podríamos decir que el tema que predomina en las pilas de libros que tengo alrededor de mí en la cama en este preciso instante es teología contextual. (Esa oración fue larga, pero no tengo la mínima [...]

Lecturas para este primer trimestre

Pues como saben, no concibo desde hace ya un tiempo, mi vida sin lectura... después de todo, tenemos la Palabra de Dios en formato de libro (es momento de oír el coro de voces angelicales cantar). De manera que voy diseñando una agenda de lectura. Durante este año espero leer 24 libros: dos por mes [...]

De estatus de Facebook y mi lectura de febrero

Para aquellos que han seguido mis status de Facebook no es desconocido que he estado leyendo el libro Una Iglesia conforme al corazón de Dios, escrito por el pastor Miguel Núñez. Debo decir que la respuesta a los estados, tanto en Instagram como en Facebook me ha sorprendido grandemente. Muchos de ustedes me preguntaban por [...]