Dios está bajo los escombros en Gaza

Dios está bajo los escombros en Gaza

Este sermón fue predicado por Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac el 22 de octubre en la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana de Beit Sahour y la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Navidad en Belén, luego de que un ataque de las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel impactara a uno de los edificios de la iglesia activa más antigua en Gaza, la Iglesia Ortodoxa Griega de San Porfirio.

15 Christian Palestinian Theologians and Biblical Scholars You Should Know About

15 Christian Palestinian Theologians and Biblical Scholars You Should Know About

The Christian community in Palestine, often referred to as “the living stones of Christianity,” stands as one of the oldest. Regrettably, despite their rich history, many Christian circles in the United States remain unaware of their longstanding presence. Here are nine Christian Palestinian theologians and biblical scholars you should know.

Passing Down the Faith un Corito at a Time: How Abuelo Grounded My Pneumatology

Passing Down the Faith un Corito at a Time: How Abuelo Grounded My Pneumatology

I never write about the men in my life. But last week, I started teaching a systematic theology course. And as I was reading and preparing for the discussion on pneumatology –the doctrine about the person and work of the Spirit–, I realized the impact abuelo had in my discipleship. When I was fourteen years [...]

7 recursos en español acerca del feminismo y la fe cristiana por teólogas caribeñas y latinoamericanas

7 recursos en español acerca del feminismo y la fe cristiana por teólogas caribeñas y latinoamericanas

La reflexión teológica latinoamericana y caribeña es y ha sido históricamente relevante. En palabra y hecho ha respondido activamente a las crisis políticas, socio-económicas, y ecológicas. Sin embargo, esos recursos y discusiones no siempre llegan a nuestras comunidades de fe locales. Aquí le brindamos 7 recursos acerca de feminismo y fe desde las voces y los ojos de teólogas latinoamericanas y caribeñas.

So… In Latin America they do not care about orthodoxy, right?

So… In Latin America they do not care about orthodoxy, right?

...a fellow seminary student asked, as he walked towards me at the library. Although the question sounded harsh, I could tell he was coming from a place of ignorance and genuinely wanted to know. I could not blame him. Many theological institutions claim to equip and prepare people to serve the global church, frequently pointing to the diversity of their [...]

Theologians, Martyrs, Mother and Daughter: November 16, 1989 in El Salvador

Theologians, Martyrs, Mother and Daughter: November 16, 1989 in El Salvador

This preface was to have been written by Ignacio Ellacuría and myself. But, as we know, Ignacio Ellacuría is no longer among us. On November 16, 1989, he was murdered, along with five of his fellow Jesuits -Juan Ramón Moreno, Amando López, Segundo Montes, Ignacio Martín-Baró, Joaquín López y López -their cook, Julia Elba, and [...]

To the leaders and ministers attending the 2015 EFCA Conference for Latino/Hispanic Pastors

To the leaders and ministers attending the 2015 EFCA Conference for Latino/Hispanic Pastors

Today I had the privilege of sharing my story with the leaders and ministers that attended the EFCA Conference for Latino/Hispanic Pastors. The conference was held in Spanish, but I have decided to translate my speech and share it with you. You will notice that I incorporated some thoughts from older blog posts, including my [...]

On Being Latina and Some Thoughts About Contextualization

On Being Latina and Some Thoughts About Contextualization

Para la versión en español, oprima aquí. Although the landscape is gradually changing, women are still a minority in the Master of Divinity (MDiv) program. For this reason, and due to the underlying presupositions of many regarding "a woman's place," there is a certain reaction of surprise when mine and other women’s aspirations of pursuing [...]

La cuestión de ser mujer e hispana, y algunas palabras acerca de la contextualización

La cuestión de ser mujer e hispana, y algunas palabras acerca de la contextualización

Aunque el panorama va cambiando paulatinamente, las mujeres continúan siendo minoría en el programa de Maestría en Divinidad (MDiv). Debido a esto (y a otras ideas, presuposiciones, etcétera) hay cierta sorpresa cuando se conocen las aspiraciones a PhD en Teología de algunas como yo. Pero hay una pregunta que ha capturado todo mi interés y [...]